How Chair Massages at Work Boost Employee Productivity

chair massage at the office

A downside of an office job is sitting all day. This discomfort can lead to health problems that affect both your work performance and home life. An easy solution is getting a chair massage at the office.

What Is a Workplace Chair Massage?

Spas aren’t the only places to get a quality, relaxing massage. You can easily get it done in a comfortable chair right at your job location. Massage therapists turn a designated area into a peaceful setting for a professional massage.

What Are the Benefits?

The workplace is full of stress and tension. Massages relieve pain and anxiety, as well as boost brainpower and improve sleep. All of these, in turn, result in fewer sick days and higher productivity, says Forbes.

Bringing massages to work makes them convenient for busy employees who may otherwise not have time for this form of self-care. Schedule your chair massage at the office today.