Mobile Is Everywhere, Are You Using it To Sell?

mobile phones

Smartphones have revolutionized the way that people gather information and make decisions. According to the Pew Research Center, 96% of Americans own cell phones and 81% own a smartphone, more than double the 2011 number. They are everywhere. So, businesses need to take advantage of this important marketing channel.

Screen Agnostic Design

All your web content should be screen agnostic. In other words, it should look great on a computer or on a phone. Responsive design principles can help with this.


People interact with their phones in ways that they don’t with computers. So, take advantage of that. Create ads for social media that can be interacted with by your customers. Many platforms offer tools to make this type of content easier to produce.

Bring your marketing message right to your audience’s pockets. Get started marketing on mobile today.