Why Your Business Needs To Invest in Copywriting Starting Now


Copywriting is everywhere. Every business has someone to write copy for headlines, product descriptions, web content, social media and more. Unfortunately, many organizations opt for the least expensive option for copywriting. This can be a serious mistake. Read on to learn a little more about the importance of good writing.

Great Headlines Work

According to Copyblogger, if 10 people see a post, eight will read the headline but only two will read the body. In other words, if your headline isn’t impactful, you have already missed out on a big portion of your audience. Similarly, social media posts tend to be most effective when they are short and easy to digest.

Create Value Through Writing

Your writing represents your brand. You wouldn’t use the least expensive image you could find as your logo. Don’t make that mistake for copy. Invest in copywriting because it matters.